
Australian Alumni

Young graduates standing in a row smiling in robes and doctoral hats.
© iStockphoto
The Australian DAAD Alumni Association, founded in 2011, offers the chance to meet other DAAD Alumni, network, attend events and participate in a growing community of like-minded German lovers! Here you can discuss the latest in German culture, the development of projects, or meet with esteemed members of the German community.

The DAAD is very supportive of the creation of Alumni Associations all over the world, and financial and other support is available in regions where there is an active alumni association. Alumni associations are eligible to apply for funding for their events directly with DAAD headquarters. The DAAD organises Australia-wide alumni meetings, however our alumni also organise regional gatherings and events, so we strongly advise you to get in touch with your regional alumni representative.

The membership fee is currently set at $30 per annum, with a concessional fee of $20 for students, unwaged members and retirees. The fees contribute to the continued blossoming of the DAAD Alumni Association.

Alumni are also invited to look into the Alumniportal Deutschland, a free, editorially supported social online network connecting people from all over the world who have studied, researched, worked or completed a course of advanced training in Germany. The portal is also open to companies and organisations as well as to foundations and institutions of higher education.

A unique combination of services with a connection to Germany and an online community opens up entirely new opportunities for maintaining contacts and networks. Career opportunities, language services and both on- and offline events complement the online community.

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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked